Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Halo's ingame Banks

ok you asked for it halo :P here it is ... lol

im gonna make sure i watch it all...even though its fucking 8mins long lol, so i can give a real opinion instead of just skipping thru half of it which i so wanna do.

hmm is it just me but on this first shot, the timer resets to 3:06 weird ? ...then jumps down to 5sec ? hmmm lol.

im upto 1min20 and i love that line, he does 2 of them differnt sides only 3rail... But those 3rails kick the shit out of most 4-5 rail lines, which those ignorant 45'ers dont apreciate as a MUCH Higher skill. vns's!!

a triangle nip bank ? cmon halo good on the eyes ... but you mose well reg it lol.

finnaly 3min20 the 3rail athon is over ZzZzzzz theres 2mins you coulda done without :P ....now Heres a Vfns - 3rail nip bank to bm

ok i couldnt help it lol im fast fowarding thru... theres just a few too many of the same shot on repeat. but there are extras mixed in amungst it... i'll just pick 1 more shot i love .. and skipping thru it im glad i didnt watch the last few mins there was too many close to pocket shots for me. The last shot on the vid is sic !

Over all halo i think your 1 of the best bankers on yahoo pool, your shots are very fuckin nice. if you feel i am a bit harsh knocking some of the shots its because of this reason-> to me youtube is a "Show off" tool... put up your best and show the world what you can do, and im sure you agree a lot of those shots are just everyday stuff for some1 of your level, i would rather just watch 3-4mins of all your VERY best.

5stars without question bro, PRO!

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