Friday, July 4, 2008

First Video Reviews, Roughly last 7 days.

What better way to kick off this blog with one of Yts's own, Bren aka weekender.

This video is proving that bren's English Banking skill is getting very strong. Some of these shots are made on the first try in 5sec games, which as we all know is hard to do, plus it always feels good banking on hicham without giving him a shot lol. to finish it off theres a very nice 2hitter and an amazing ( even tho i know its a sloppy 2hitter gone wrong u cant fool me lol ) 3hit shot on the 8ball .

i rated it 5stars.

Next up we have another player that plays in yts Pete

i think pete is getting more into this style of game play ( being 3+English banks ) the more he plays the better he gets. im sure back while ago there was some of his shots in 1 of brens vids but since then he hasnt really uploaded anything until now.

The first shot is a tad sloppy. But the rest are very nice. And pete.... that last shot is deffo one of the best ive seen from you , a nice and long 8ball to top right pocket after 3rail is Tight!
just that music is horrid lol

i rated it 4stars

Now Heres a video of a program that im sure will cause alot of shit in the social ypool world in months to come as it circulates. that is if its true ...which it looks like it is. To me its a total waste of programming skills.... if this programmer is so talented to manipulate yahoo pool balls and win with ease every single game... why make it so obvious with silly glitch shots that scream "im cheating". as long as he makes some good money off it it's worth creating i spose. here it is...

i rated it 1star obv cause any cheats r gay

Some Foreign yahoo pooler putting alot of effort into credits for 1 shot, so i assume its a lg game of importance, or maybe an on going rival... maybe hes just happy to finnaly make a bank who knows, i cant read it lol. its a nice shot..... although the video comes not from the shooters side, no english is used... so it could be an aimer.

i rated it 2stars , 5 if it was proven no aimer but we will never know.

Till more videos are uploaded or i get bored, thats it for now... the rest of the previous week is filled with some redblood kid uploading videos of shots. looks like he banks well too, if i were him id put them all in 1 video ...but thats just me.

heres 1 of them...they are all similar. i rated it 4stars.

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